Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 4 Week: More family time, haircuts and Trawlerfest 2019

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Trawlerfest 2019 at Hutchinson Islsnd
It was a no brainer to attend this year since we were already scheduled to be in Ft Pierce during this time. There were several very nice boats to visit (for sale). Made us go “ah” and “ooh” when comparing to our 35 year old boat, BUT... we felt that Summer Breeze was much more roomier on the inside that the similar or even larger ones. 

We had the pleasure of meeting Bruce and Dorsey Beard (M/V Esmeralde) whom we are FB friends with. Their absolutely beautiful American Tug is ....beautiful. Aboard Esmeralde. Look! A full size refrigerator!

Bruce attended a 2 day diesel school which he learned quite a bit from the industry masters, Nigel Calder and Steve Zimmerman
And I’m so proud of my hubby! He was awarded with a zinc as a gift for being the Valedictorian!🤪
As well as his certificate and a bottle of wine that all the attendees received 

We also had the pleasure of meeting Chris Parker. Yes, THE Chris Parker of Marine Weather Center. Bruce has had several phone conversations with him and we subscribe to his weather service. 

 Other exciting events during the week was having dinner with Becky and Charles, Linda and Howard to celebrate Judy's birthday. They took us to the most fabulous Thai restaurant in Stuart. We will definitely go again. 

Bruce had the whole fish.... 
 I had the Shrimp Green Curry. Delicious!
 Time for haircuts! I had the pleasure of getting a great cut, cutting almost the last of the blondish tips off. Maybe 1 more cut will do it! Can't wait. It has been almost a year since I stopped coloring my hair. Bruce got a cut as well.

And what is this? Anyone know? No one around seems to know. It is a fish, shaped kind of like a sting ray but without a tail or barb.It has a turtle like head but shaped like a hammer head shark and it comes up to breathe air at every stroke of the ray like wings. Up close it looks like batman, so I've been calling it a bat fish but I have no idea! Anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a saltwater sunfish. Only reason I think that is due to reading an article about a Hoodwinker sunfish that washed up on a Calif. beach. Your photo looks similar to that fish though I don't know what variety yours is.
