Tuesday, June 4, 2019

June 2-3, Heading North

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June 2, Sunday

The reward for waking up early today!

Today is "head north" day so we pulled up anchor and headed north through some good rain storms having to rely on the chart plotter and radar but they didn't last long. Within 2 hours we are anchored in Tilloo Cut South anchorage spot, just south of Tavern Cay with hopes of snorkeling the area today! This is a different part of Tilloo Cay than we had anchored before.

There are some small coral heads close by and a small reef by the cut we hope to explore. Just as we get settled, the sky turns dark again. This and other squalls hit us for a couple of hours.

Just when we thought it was safe to jump in, we see these 2 sharks hovering around Summer Breeze! 
Bruce normally snorkels to check that the anchor is secure, but!  No fears (says I that did not get in the water) they are only nurse sharks and relatively harmless (says Google).

An hour and half trip around the banks and we are at our new spot. 

Miles: 10
Total miles: 769

June 3, Monday

Well, the storms hung around a bit, the night was a bit rolly and the wind picked up and changed direction, making our anchorage choice "not ideal", especially with the now volcanic rock lee shore 100 yards away.  SO we pick up and moved! We are close to Marsh Harbor again and we need to drop off trash, buy more Jasmine fuel, replenish our veggies and it is is a "safe harbor" (of sorts) for windy and rainy days. 

About 2 hours later, we anchor in a similar spot as our last visit. And of course, no rain, no wind, just hot. We get settled, put Jasmine in the water, drop off our trash and go find Mermaid Reef. It is a great shallow reef for fish, an abundant amount of fish! The reef itself is pretty dead and a non event and there weren't any mermaids, to Bruce's dismay. 😦 We also saw a rainbow over Mermaid Reef. 

We enjoyed a different type of sunset with storm clouds hovering about and the sun casting a bright spot of light on the water. And then a bit later, a glorious sunset view!

17.4 miles 
Total 786.4

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